Module A-198 is a Trautonium Manual resp. Ribbon Controller. The controlling element of the A-198 is a linear position sensor ...
Industrial Music Electronics Piston Honda MkIII is an oscillator module for modular synthesizers in Eurorack format. The osc...
Dieses Oszillator Modul bietet Regler und Ausg?nge f?r die ersten 8 Harmonischen in Sinus...
The Make Noise DPO Dual Voltage Controlled Oscillator Synth Module is a dual Voltage Controlled Oscillator module, for generati...
Modules A-130 and A-131 provide voltage-controlled amplification. For audio signals, you would normally use the exponential V...
Module A-185-2 is a precision control voltage adder/buffer. Precision means that the amplification of the inputs without atten...
Module A-145 is a low frequency oscillator, which produces cyclical control voltages in a very wide range of frequencies. Fiv...
Module A-138c is a four channel mixer, that allows to add or to subtract four incoming voltages to the output signal. In the ...
Module A-134-2 contains two identical voltage controlled crossfader units. Each unit has two voltage controlled amplifiers (VC...
Module A-119 (External Input / Envelope Follower) is designed to allow external audio signals to be integrated into the Syste...
Module A-118 is (as you might have guessed) a noise and random voltage generator. It produces three types of signal - white no...
Low Frequency Oscillator 2 Module A-146 (LFO 2) is a Low Frequency Oscillator, which produces periodic control voltages over a...
Crossfader-Modul zum Umblenden zwischen zwei Signalen. Es kann auch als Insert-Modul f?r Bodentreter und andere Effektger?te ...